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Legal services

We provide full legal support of M&A deals: carry out legal due diligence, perform legal structuring and draft transaction documents in accordance with the Russian and English laws and regulations.

Our lawyers supported 200 M&A deals in 20 jurisdictions with the total value of the deals reaching USD1 bln.

Moreover, we deal with the matters concerning corporate law, labour law, real estate and intellectual property.

Legal Due Diligence

  • Corporate issues
  • Registration of company’s rights for real estate and property
  • Intellectual property
  • Labor relations
  • Contractual liabilities
  • Legal and administrative proceedings.

Deal structuring

  • Prepare the deal legal structure
  • Perform due diligence
  • Draft transaction documents and assist in negotiating them with the involved parties
  • Support deal implementation

Other services

  • Support of negotiations
  • Representation of the client’s interests 
  • Consulting and legal opinion

Anastasia Semiletova

Legal consulting and M&A Transaction support